elanamatic: The Weekend Update
Had a truly fantastic weekend. After the high holidays wrapped up Friday evening, I met Raine for a night at the Drive-in. Yes, we went to a Drive-In Movie at The Docks. I kid you not.
It was a lot of fun. I dined on french fries and chocolate. We turned the audio up loud and sank the seats back as far as they would go. We were surprised at the crowd. We thought we'd be surrounded by teens making out in their parents cars. Instead we noticed many mid-late twentysomethings in their souped up SUVs and trucks. The double feature began with Resident Evil 2. A terrible movie, only worthwhile for spotting the familiar shots of Toronto (esp when they blow up City Hall.) It was hard to see against the dark sky and I have to admit I was a little worried about getting spooked, as I frighten easily. Fortunately for me there was NOTHING scary about the movie at all.
By the time the first movie was over, we were feeling a bit cold, uncomfortable and bloated so we decided to bail on Cellular and headed home. It was a fun thing to do though, I recommend going old-school once in awhile..
Saturday morning we did a bit of house hunting, followed by appartment cleaning and then we were off to Niagara On The Lake. We had received an awesome gift package from Joel + Jocelyn and The Roffs (Joel's folks) for our wedding. It was one night at a B&B + a gift certificate for the Hillebrand winery + tickets towards a play at the Shaw fest. It was fabulous.
The weather was perfect. Sunny and crisp. We ate yummy sandwiches and potato chips on our way down.. Then we checked in, and made our way to the winery. We moseyed around that weekend's art show and then went for an essence wine tasting. We learned all about different types of wine and had some samples. I especially liked their Chardonnay and Ice Wine, and usually I am a red wine kinda girl.
We did a quick tour of the winery with our hilariously sauced hostess, Amanda and then made our way to the dining room. Our meal was incredible. Some of the best tuna steak I've ever had. We also splurged on a delicious wine + cheese dessert sampler. So fine!
We made our way back into town.. and went for walk by the lake. It was so windy and quiet. It was a lot more romantic then walking home along Bloor or College after a night of drinking in the city. It actually reminded me of my first kiss. I was 12 and it was a blustery last night of camp fling... but I digress.
Sunday was a bit of a hazier day.. All that wine muddled my brain. After an incredible breakfast at the b&b, we wandered through town trying on hats and poking fun at other tourists. Sat in the park and read for awhile... before gorging on pub food lunch. We split a french onion soup and fish and chips. So quaint.
Finally, we saw the play Three Men On A Horse which was really well done but also really long. I have to admit I snoozed a bit. Still I would recommend it. I am just a tired girl.
And now I am back at work. I have lots to do. Soo... ciao for now!