elanamatic: i wish
- the whole world worked in lower case.
- i didn't have movie narcolepsy. i like watching movies more then i like nodding off with my head lolling around in public. it makes me feel old and feeble.
- shrek 2 didn't suck so much. what a musical piece of unoriginal crap. that one i was happy to pass out during.
- someone would buy me a pink mini ipod already.
- i could learn not to completely overbook my life. i think i have only one night off left between now and when i move. pyscho.
- moving didn't suck so much.
- relationships weren't so much work.
- i was moved in to my new place, settled in and unpacked already.
- that it wasn't so freakin' cold in our appt at night. i need two duvets and a blanket, a space heater and body heat just to survive.
- that someone could tell me what colours would be good to paint the bedrooms in our new place?
- that today was friday.
- i didn't have the world's most monsterous pit stains. overheated office plus "herbal" deodorant equals total embarassment. i will just have to walk around like a penguin.