elanamatic: Call me pedestrian
but I hate driving in this city! Especially in the winter. Streetcars. Streetcar tracks. Strolling shoppers pointing their way through crosswalks. No turns between 7 am - 9 am or 4 pm - 6 pm. The dull gridlike streets. The traffic.
Give me my own two legs anyday. Or my shiny bicycle. Hell, I'll even succumb to the surly public transit drivers and the jeans-too-tight teens who think they are as ghetto as all get out. (GET OUT!)
I used to love driving. I still do. The open road. The fresh air. Speed. As much as I love this planet, I have always coveted the sporty rides. Shiny two seaters that vroom vroom as I sped my way through the snow covered mountains or along my fantasy coastline.
Driving around Toronto today was painful. Like waiting for the dentist. I must move back to a city of hills and valleys.. Of winding roads and devil may cares.
Ok so I also kinda want a smart car (so cute, so earth friendly) but still, one day I'd like to put the car into forward and hurl myself far far away from here.
Unfortunately, for the moment I have so much work to do I am starting to remember why they call it "work."