elanamatic: Me Walk Pretty One Day So last night during an extended Law & Order commercial break we uh, were flipping channels and came across America's Next Top Model. Knowing much of the editorial surrounding this prime time delight is to obvious to discuss, I feel compelled to draw attention to how these model wannabes walk the runway. Based on their chosen path, you would think they would spend hours wearing bikinis and practicing walking to and fro in front of their mirrors at home. Based on the posture and stride caught on camera, there is no freakin' way, they walk too funny.
I was reminded of this today sitting in the office. I love how everyone has their own distinct walk. Whatever the ingredients, be it one part shifting alignment, two parts biomechanics, a dollop of confidence, or a healthy tablespoon of attitude results vary so greatly. After a while you can learn to recognise someone by their walk. Be it a shuffle, a bounce or a serious strut. It's one of my favourite things that makes up a whole person. How they walk.
I know for a long time I bore the gait of MTV's Daria. All angry, self-concious and hunched over. I had the big boots and grungy sweater to match. My eventual neck/shoulder issues quickly taught me about posture, so I am sure my walk has altered...
In the meantime, I am enjoying the shuffle, the bounce and the bobbing of those around me.