elanamatic: Quality Couch Potato Time
Inspired by Pop Candy's fall TV watching schedule, I thought I would post my own:
Studio 60 - I am not yet sold on this new Sorkin show but keeping it on for Sunday night dinners with my bro and his gf (we did BBQs and Sopranos last year and need a new series to sub in.)
The Wire - We had rented season 1 last year. We will have to dnld Season 2. Season 3 brings the drug rings into the classroom. This show is so depressing and yet compelling at the same time.
Desperate Housewives - I am quickly growing tired of this suburban saga but figure I will PVR it just in case it gets better.
Heroes - definitely my favourite new show of the season. I love everything from the characters and the storytelling to the integration with the graphic novels.
House - The formula is growing stale but silver fox Hugh Laurie still gets to me.
Veronica Mars - If Buffy wasn't a cheerleader, had no super powers and lived in The O.C. she would also be known as Veronica Mars. I have such a mega crush on Logan!
ANTM - LOVE IT. The twins are fugly but somehow turn it on in front of the camera. Still I am rooting for AJ, she is my fave. I wish someone would smack that rock'n'roller chick. She reminds me waay too much of bratty summer camp counsellors who thought they were all that.
Lost - The season premiere left me irritated and fed up. I might have to bail mid-season if we don't get some answers soon. I can only be strung along for so long.
The NIN9 - The pilot episode grabbed me, but can they hold onto my attention for a whole season?
Weeds - It's quirky. Watch it.
Ugly Betty - It's not Devil Wears Prada but I like America Ferrera so I will give it a few more weeks.
Mon - Thurs - I also try to catch some John Steward and Colbert report when possible..
That's about it.. most are being PVR'd as I really can't dedicate my ass to couch on a regular basis without going stir crazy.
What are you watching?