elanamatic: Older. Wiser?
Today I turn another year older. I certainly don't feel any wiser. Maybe more mature. A little more boring. I mean, it's been 16 years since I was sweet 16. That makes me totally old. Or toothache sweet. This whole being pregnant has put a bit of a cramp in my celebratory style, no going out for drinks with friends, but I guess I don't mind because I am looking forward to what life has to offer up next. Besides, most of those friends are busy breastfeeding!
I spent the day feeling very grown up. I had the day off (yay!) so I tried to sleep in but failed. I went downstairs for some almond butter and banana toast (drizzled in maple syrup!) and to read some bday cards I had waiting. Friends and family who send you birthday cards are the best. How are they so on the ball? I always remember everyone's birthday. Sometimes I even buy cards in advance, but I never manage to sign, seal and deliver in time. Maybe one day.
Then I tackled our home office. My desk is in a constant state of chaos. It is a clutter magnet. I do not know how people manage all the paper that comes into their homes. It blows me away. I am determined to get a handle on it, somehow, someway. If you have any tips at all please share! I've already tried to do as much online billing as possible. I have filing drawer but it constantly needs updates and purging. Ugh. I need a healthy workspace pronto!
Then I met Adina and Gabriel for lunch in Chinatown. Then we wandered through the market, and ended up at Ideal Coffee (I was lured in by the amazing aroma of those roasting beans) and ran into an old friend I hadn't seen in years. We sat around drinking coffee and catching up. Gabriel slept almost the entire time. I am pretty convince that he is in the 90th percentile for cuteness.
On my way home, I saw these two young boys. They must have been around 7 and 10 years old. They were standing in front of Sneaky Dee's waiting to walk across Bathurst. They were wearing camo baseball hats and looking tough. That is until I realized they were singing the Copacabana song: "Music and passion is always in fashion at the Copa, Copa Cabaaaana!"
They followed me for a block or so before I ducked into the drugstore for some essentials. Too funny!
Then I came home to some great news, a good friend gave birth to a baby boy this morning! Yay. I will never forget his bday.
Ok time for decadent dinner plans! Happy spring!