elanamatic: Girly Revelations
Don't worry my use of the word revelations does not mean I am not about to get religious on your bums.
This weekend, one of my bff's was in town. She lives in the UK most of the time. It was so nice spending time with her. We did our usual whining and dining and shoe shopping. We also went to MAC for the ole springtime makeup refresh. I realized recently that the sheer tint (SPF 15) I have been wearing, for at least 6 months was looking very orange. Also my blush was only staying on for the first 2 hours of the day. I bought some new sheer tint (almost yellow white in comparison to that icky orange) and a cream blush (apparently my blush was falling right off my dry cheeks) and now I feel pretty and witty and gay.
The MAC woman who sold me my Red Fraggle coloured tint should be fired.
My consumerism continues. I want to pre-order the new Harry Potter but now see that you can get it bundled with Shopaholic & Baby (go here and see Better Together mid-page.) It feels wrong to buy into this blatant target marketing. Yet, my mushy brain is craving chick lit distractions. I admit to having read previous Shopaholics and enjoying every beach chair moment of them.
Our kitchen is almost done and it is so fantabulous. A huge improvement. We had an inaugural dinner party on Sunday night and it was so fun. People can sit at the bar (really a peninsula) and drink or nibble and there was still room to chop and assemble. Sahweet! We ended up having a Morrocan themed feast. I bought all the food, and found recipes, the dude made it all happen. He is pretty awesome like that. Here is the menu for the curious:
Spelty Spanakopita
Chicken Marbella
Spelt couscous with Spiced Zucchini
Vegetarian Tagine (provided by Adina)
and the lovely Prem brought over chocolate cake and blueberry pie for dessert, along with homemade espresso whipped cream, yum!
Oh and for those wanting belly pics, you can see some here. (These are from one month ago, I am much rounder now!)