I think I've simply given up thinking about it. I should be all akimbo with terror and worry, and I am - don't get me wrong... but I'm shocked at the unreality - the torpor.
OK here come some tears when I think of San Francisco and how I thought I would visit it one last time... and today I was irritated at all the people who want to say goodbye to me to intrude on my solitude.
In the end, I've felt the most comfort in the peace of my home - of my block.
Ripped from it all because I've chosen to be. I can't imagine how odd it will all be. I can't imagine the reality of it.
I've got to go look at the lake after I dash this off. Wanted to see the green velvet sofa I got from a dot com in the City and the $5 chair and ottoman I got from the judo guy in the sunset one last time.
I hate empty apartments.
I hate goodbye.