sunshine jen: Post 500
On this special occasion of my 500th post on happyrobot, I’ve decided to go totally ego-maniacal and interview myself.
Q: Hello self.
A: Hey there.
Q: Thank you for doing this interview.
A: It’s a pleasure to be here.
Q: You’re looking very sunshiny today.
A: I just got back from Arizona.
Q: How was it?
A: Damn hot.
Q: So here we are at Post 500. How does it feel?
A: Not too bad. I have an idea for Post 501.
Q: Did you ever think you would make it to 500 posts?
A: No, I just figured I’d stop when I ran out of ideas, but I didn’t run out of ideas, so I kept going. Sure some of the posts were lame, but I always managed to come up with something.
Q: Which ones were lame?
A: Oh self, you know.
Q: Yeah, I do. Has it gotten easier through the years?
A: No, it’s gotten harder. After all, I’m interviewing myself. Kind of scraping the bottom there.
Q: You do not post on a set schedule
A: I like to keep it mellow in a So Cali free flow.
Q: How much is real and how much is made up?
A: You know to never ask me that.
Q: Sorry creative self.
A: That’s okay, inquisitive self.
Q: Will we ever know the true story?
A: I hope not.
Q: So no reality television?
A: I don’t really have the personality for it.
Q: Any chance of a Sunshine Jen movie?
A: Only if I get paid an absurdly huge amount of money.
Q: Who would play you?
A: Matthew Goode.
Q: But. . .
A: It will work.
Q: I guess I just have to see it. Looking back, do you have a favorite post?
A: I love them all. They’re like children only they’re not human.
Q: Which post was the hardest to write?
A: Oh that’s easy. The one about the Irish Boat Builder. It was hard organizing all the ideas, and I didn’t want to present this person as a metaphor for my own creativity because it wasn’t about me. I wanted to present this really cool dude I had met. I still don’t think I got it right because sometimes I just suck as a writer.
Q: You don’t suck, Sunshine Jen.
A: I wasn’t fishing for a compliment.
Q: After all these years, what do you really think of Los Angeles?
A: It’s mighty bright.
Q: What do you think the next 500 posts will be about?
A: I have to write 500 more?????
Q: You said you had some ideas.
A: Killer robots.
Q: Last question.
A: All righty then.
Q: Any chance of a recent photo?
A: Well, I did just get my hair highlighted.