sunshine jen: Old Irish Remedy
Last week, I was back in Ireland for a vacation in the brisk rainy Irish October weather. Since I live in a desert climate, the rain and wind was a welcomed relief for a little while, and then it got colder.
Then I got a sore throat. It was just a sore throat, a little scratchiness, some mucus.
Then bam! I was down for the count.
Fortunately, Stephen's mother made a remedy that brought me back from near death. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating just a bit, but this really did the trick.
If you have a sore throat, do the following:
Fill a small sauce pan halfway with water.
Slice a lemon and put the lemon slices into the water.
Bring lemon water to a boil.
Strain and pour into a glass.
Add honey.
Add a shot of whiskey (I had Jamesons).
Drink immediately.
Not only did I sleep well that night, my sore throat was gone the next day. This stuff works.