sunshine jen: The Virginia Code
During the last two weeks, I've been reading To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf. At the same time, I've been listening to The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown on CD in the car.
I had never read To the Lighthouse in school, so it didn't torture my twenty year old brain like Faulkner did. Reading it now, I am blown away by it. I never realized Virginia Woolf has so much flow. Whoah. She's got some prose---like the ocean.
The DaVinci Code, well, has prose like a dripping faucet. Yes, I realize I'm being unfair. There's only one Virginia Woolf. Blah, blah, blah, snob, snob, snob.
Besides, I'm trying to live in the creative and positive, not the negative and overtly critical. How can I take the simultaneous experience of these two books and turn it into something creative?
Robert Langdon stared down at Sophie Neveu's determined green eyes.
'The lighthouse.' Sophie whispered.
'There's a very strong possibility that the grail is located in the lighthouse.' Robert said as he thought back to last year's lecture on Virginia Woolf and the irony of the sacred feminine.
In the course of the lecture, he had pointed out that in modern writing the symbols for masculine and feminine shift and change to reflect the new roles of women in society. By using a lighthouse, a masculine symbol, as the central symbol of her novel, Woolf sought to bring the feminine to the masculine to achieve unity between the two.
'In fact, Sophie, there's also a very strong possibility that Virginia Woolf was a member of the Priory of Sion.'
'Like my grandfadder.' The cryptologist's eyes widened. In the past four hours, she had learned that not only her grandfather had been in a centuries old secret society but that every other major historical figure had been in that society as well.
'In her writing, Woolf writes often of windows and looking toward the lighthouse. The lighthouse is presented through gateways.'
'Gateways? The keystone.' Sophie looked down at the keystone in her hand. The mystery was coming together, yet she felt there was some important concept that she had yet to grasp. She thought back to when she was a little girl with her grandfather.
'Que Sera Sera. Whatever will be, will be.' He always said to her. Perhaps he was trying to tell her something about what happened to her family.
Robert Langdon looked at Sophie slightly puzzled. He knew she was thinking of something. He just didn't know what.
This book is continued on Disk Eight.