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› Monday 7/5/2004
Pony:  kickin' it in Canuckistan
Nutshell Kingdom:  everybody give it up for javier!
› Tuesday 7/6/2004
Nutshell Kingdom:  independence day weekend
Sunshine Jen:  Rocket Surgery
Nutshell Kingdom:  Career Decision
› Wednesday 7/7/2004
Pony:  Things girls say when they want you to find them attractive:
Honky Cracker:  Choco Taco
Nutshell Kingdom:  Questions Concerning Children
› Thursday 7/8/2004
The way I see it:  Fox, Yankees Look To Cash In On Reality Shows
Robot Journal:  you people (and by 'you' i mean 'robot') rock
Lisa Says:  nashy nash nash nash
› Friday 7/9/2004
Nutshell Kingdom:  Year of the Rabbit
Lisa Says:  ah - wireless internet
› Saturday 7/10/2004
Post-Modern Drunkard:  The Dreamer Examines His Pillow
Nutshell Kingdom:  deconstruct this!

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