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› Sunday 11/28/2004
Robot Journal:  I got your thanks right here
› Monday 11/29/2004
Pony:  laazy day
Sunshine Jen:  An Immodest Proposal
› Tuesday 11/30/2004
Lisa Says:  slacker
elanamatic:  i wish
Pony:  Tommy Douglas
Cootie Girl:  something odd once said to me
› Wednesday 12/1/2004
Pony:  Some lists
elanamatic:  shopaholic in crisis
Art Colony:  I am Zhe Terminator
Art Colony:  The movie of the week: Hell comes to Frogtown.
› Thursday 12/2/2004
Art Colony:  socks (of the pharaohs)
elanamatic:  Why Write?
Pony:  Spicy Belly
The Wrong Squid:  Tis the season to be cranky
Art Colony:  remember...the Wrigley?
› Friday 12/3/2004
Post-Modern Drunkard:  The Tramp Abroad
Art Colony:  Surrender Now! plus: an ode to friendship
Pony:  Me, Chris, HonkyCracker, and Becky
elanamatic:  peeves.
Lisa Says:  the squarebob thefts and other musings
Art Colony:  quasi-misanthrope on the job
Sunshine Jen:  Dragonboating
River Rat:  Schmatterhorn
Poop Beetle:  Last few weeks I've been doing school/public health nursing rotations.
› Saturday 12/4/2004
Tim!:  Top Five Things That Ruin Christmas
Art Colony:  doom: it's frightening?

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