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› Sunday 10/2/2005
Nutshell Kingdom:  October 2d - A Life in Movies
Solstice:  I am Cheating On you.
› Monday 10/3/2005
Post-Modern Drunkard:  New York Survival Tips
Art Colony:  my repeating nightmares
Honky Cracker:  Morning Agenda for 10-3: When I Am the Highest Ranking Employee in the Office
Solstice:  Camp Martha Johnston
elanamatic:  Coming out of retirement
Pony:  who wrote the book of li-ife?
Film and Television Rights:  Little Known Panda Facts
Nutshell Kingdom:  Shakespearean Paraphrase
Sunshine Jen:  Wholebunchofstuff
Art Colony:  i should be happy, fudge it all
Nutshell Kingdom:  Can You Speak It?
› Tuesday 10/4/2005
Art Colony:  i'm too busy
Post-Modern Drunkard:  The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Robot Journal:  I Dislike Crackheads with Poodle Haircuts
› Wednesday 10/5/2005
Gator Country:  my bike
Art Colony:  clearly
Pony:  Why I am getting a bad writeup in the book of life
› Thursday 10/6/2005
Pony:  The long day's journey into hockey night in Canada
Robot Journal:  Please activate your credit card
Post-Modern Drunkard:  Drinking Resolutions
Lisa Says:  new things i gots
Pony:  Thanksgiving Weekend
elanamatic:  the unblog
Art Colony:  nothing toulouse (-lautrec)
Poop Beetle:  swan-ganz
› Friday 10/7/2005
Post-Modern Drunkard:  Friday Random Ten (10/7/05)
Tropical Depression:  Yeah, I complain.
Pony:  New Computer
Upgrown and Overblown:  The Fourteenth Amendment
elanamatic:  10 tracks
Art Colony:  today feels like a saturday night
› Saturday 10/8/2005
Cootie Girl:  no dessert for you!
Nutshell Kingdom:  Love Like Yours Will Surely Come My Way

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