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› Sunday 1/30/2005
Art Colony:  beep beep quick stuff
Pony:  Demo-licious
› Monday 1/31/2005
Post-Modern Drunkard:  This is a public service announcement...with guitars!
Solstice:  Friday, january 28th, 2005
Pony:  Read it
Honky Cracker:  Couch Killer
Art Colony:  don't go talking too loud, you'll cause a landslide
Sunshine Jen:  Meet Me in St. Louis
› Tuesday 2/1/2005
Road Dust:  today threatened to suck
The Wrong Squid:  It's official!
Art Colony:  beware of the salsa
Pony:  Not a morning person
elanamatic:  Asinine
Solstice:  January 29, 2005 (i)
Solstice:  January 29, 2005 (ii)
Solstice:  Monday, January 31, 2005
› Wednesday 2/2/2005
Lisa Says:  29 weeks
Klutch.xls:  V-Amped!
Pony:  Aquarians also rule the kitchen
Cootie Girl:  Lyrics for “The Most Offensive Song Ever”
Honky Cracker:  Golden Showers Bring May Flowers
Art Colony:  of all the days for the goddamn public phone to break...
elanamatic:  Naked In The City Again
Accounting for Everything:  Ressurected?
Learning to Fall:  Hi. I'm N. B. Sherman and you're not.
› Thursday 2/3/2005
Post-Modern Drunkard:  Take a cha-cha-cha-chance
Road Dust:  Pretty eyes, dirty palms, who is he?
Honky Cracker:  The One Where I Get Mugged, The One Where I Get Happy, and The One Where I Talk About Porn with Ten-Year-Olds
Robot Journal:  Six Years? Birthdays? How did this happen?
The Wrong Squid:  I can do that, I'm the colonel
Art Colony:  feliz anniversaire joyeuxrobots! (and some funny stuff too)
Klutch.xls:  Best Birthday Ever
Pony:  Raspeck the Rich
Dog Years:  happybirthdaybot@happyrobot.net
Sunshine Jen:  21 Things I Learned from Han Solo
Ornithopter:  Hippo Birdie Two Ewes...
Poop Beetle:  birthday, birthday, birthday part 1
elanamatic:  lootbaggity
Learning to Fall:  I'm ten now.
Film and Television Rights:  John Ball, Jr.
Cootie Girl:  Oh how I love birthdays
› Friday 2/4/2005
Dog Years:  Happy Birthday John Ball, Jr.
Art Colony:  what a difference a day makes... :)
Klutch.xls:  they call it "blogging?"
Learning to Fall:  This is my stuff.
Solstice:  tuesday, february 1st (i)
Solstice:  Tuesday, february 1st (ii)
› Saturday 2/5/2005
Poop Beetle:  something different
Art Colony:  beaming out happy thoughts like the RKO tower
Learning to Fall:  Foosball!

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