So a while ago I wrote this post about quitting my job and loving every minute of it. A few weeks ago, I got a hate comment (well not so much hate comment but one that bothered me just the same) from a person that goes by the name Veronica. They must be in a desperate state and looking for ways to quit their job. I am assuming I came up on a google search and they didn't like what they read. The title should have read How I quit my job ... (instead of How to quit your job ...) I apologize Veronica if the title was misleading.
In your comment, you had some points I would like to address individually.
1) "Your boss is not interested about your feelings, just that the work must be done." - Well Veronica any good boss should care how their workers feel if they want any good productivity out of them. I had a staff of 2 under me and I believe they were very happy and we all got along very well. Our work as a department was always top notch and we went above and beyond what was asked of us. We all knew each other's job duties so that in the event any one of us was out the others could step in. In addition, I didn't mind sharing or teaching my staff what I did - a good boss doesn't hold back if their staff wants to learn and grow, it would only make them a stronger team. I guess I didn't stress that in my first post.
2) "All cases listed here show you are all immature, you must have a professional attitude when quitting. Don't say, "I am unhappy", just say you have other goals. Don't just walk away, you must be sure all work you left can be performed by another person." - Veronica I did have a professional attitude when quitting. For one thing, I was an excellent dedicated employee. I gave them 2 weeks notice, in addition, I stayed on to help find and train my replacement. I stayed with the company 5 weeks after that day to make sure I left them enough time to get someone. Is that immature - I don't think so! And yes being unhappy is a valid excuse to leave a job. I was at a point in my career where I felt I needed the time off. I felt I needed a change not because I was obligated to give the company anymore of my time when it was clear to me that they didn't care if I was there or not. It wasn't till after I left that they try to offer me my job back and by that time the departments were all shifted around I didn't want to go back.
3) "Don't blow away your contacts. Networking is the most powerful tool when you need a job. Who can tell you good things about you? Why didn't you include your manager as a reference? Aren't these important for your next interview?" - Did you know that in my position I dealt with everyone in the company. I had weekly meetings with the CEO, Managing Editor, Publisher, and Sales Reps and dealt daily with outside clients. I was sort of the glue that kept the work flowing. I left with all my contacts in tact and in fact got my current job from people I had worked with at that very company. I am still in contact with many of my previous bosses and co-workers and still to this day use many of them as references. I had welcomed all of my interviewers to talk to my bosses or anyone they knew at my old company (the publishing world is not that large so it was inevitable that I would meet with people I knew or use to work at my pervious company). I had left on good terms and still to this day hear that my last boss misses me.
4) "Professional life is different from emotional one. If you can't distinguish them, go find help." - I think when your professional life is eating away at your real life well then you should make the choice. Does that mean I need therapy? Do I want to live for my job or do I want my job to live. I rather be happy and poor Veronica than work and be unhappy. I did what was best for me and I have no regrets. If I had stayed with the company what benefit would it have given me? I am much happier with the path I have chosen. I think a therapist would agree with me.
5) "My 2 cents from someone who came to this site for good tips on quitting in style. No offense, but I couldn't stand this kind of emotional support and influence others to be unprofessional." - If you want advice, here is my advice - DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB UNLESS YOU HAVE A NEW JOB. You never know what will happen ... I wanted some time off and well after September 11th, I found myself out of work for 21 months. I did freelance jobs within that 21 months (with former coworkers) but I didn't get a full time job until earlier this year. The job I have now was from a networking party I had set up, and attended by many of my ex-coworkers. My boss was a coworker of mine about 7 years ago and I am once again back in a happy fun working environment. OH and my second piece of advice is try and make friends with other people at your company. Don't be afraid of different departments because you don't deal with them doesn't mean you can't talk to them. You would be surprised how many different people can get you in the door.
I hope this has cleared some things up for you Veronica. I noticed by your comment, you already knew everything you needed in order to quit your job in style. I hope it all worked out for you in the end and you find yourself happy. I know I am.