elanamatic: the single life.
With the dude attending some wireless conference in San Fran this week, I get to remember what it's like to be on my own:
- I stayed up all night reading. Last night I couldn't put down The Between Boyfriends book that J. bought me. (thanks lady!)
- I still sleep curled up on *my* side of the bed.
- I let paranoia prevent me from going for a morning run. Having seen one to many episodes of Law & Order, I always panic that I might not return from an early morning run... Instead dawn will break and some member of the inner city cleaning crew will find my body in a crumpled heap under some shrubs. Simon suggested I bring my cellphone. He is wise. Truthfully, I think I was just making creative excuses for feeling tired and lazy after yesterday's drive back from Montreal. Plus it's so effin dark out that early it's hard to get out of bed. I might try that out tomorrow a.m. if I have the energy.
- The road trip into Montreal with Tali was a lot of girly fun! We got lost in Kingston. Pretended to be lovers at the Chalet Suisse. Sang out loud to 80s music. Ate lots of junkfood. Reminisced about flings past...
- There still seems to be more things to do/ people to see then I have free time.
- Mornings are a lot calmer when there is only one alarm going off and no one to compete with for shower time.