elanamatic: Pirate Baby Booties
Excerpt from my beloved hip clicks:
Worse than Apple: The lead singer from Korn named his son Pirate? Between that and the fact his mother's a porn star, it sounds like schoolyard bullies have hit the jackpot.
and now the long weekend to do list:
Watch "The L Word"
Go for a long run
Set up my shiny new pink mini iPod (bday gift from the dude!)
Return to the gym after a two month hiatus with full iPod
Thank you e-mails and phone calls for all the lovely bday cards and gifts (someone special bought me a really cool offline Robot journal made from discarded books!)
Drag kiff out to buy knobs for the beautiful furniture he built us
Contemplate Vera's writing challenge
Household stuff (bills, laundry, groceries...)
Personal work stuff
Drink stuff
Eat stuff
Get stuffed
Whew. Now that the list is written maybe it can stop whizzing around my brain like a fat zeppelin with a tiny puncture.