elanamatic: holdtight! Walking home through the snow last night, authentic thai takeout in one hand, a DVD in the other, the dude and I couldn't help but gush about how good we have it. It had been a near perfect weekend..
Friday night, we stayed in, ordered sushi and watched Anchorman (we had PVR'd it the previous week, in HD no less.) I liked it a lot more than I intended. We went to sleep early so that would be fresh for our day of ski/snowboarding on Saturday.
Early the next day, we picked up my friend Raine and coffees and made our way to Mount St. Louis Moonstone. The drive was easy, the weather was great (a bit cloudy but not too cold) and there was plenty of powder! We met up with my bro and his lady, and hit the slopes. It was a lot of fun. For some reason, there was a gender divide, all the guys were on boards, and the girls on skis. How bizarre?
Joel and Tali met us at the lodge for lunch and then we went back out but it had gotten chilly, so the afternoon runs ended pretty quickly. We drove back to the city and picked up some munchies..
Saturday night we had a mini party for the dude's bday. There was beer, pizza, hockey and cake! And friends. We have some pretty awesome friends. It was fun entertaining in our pretty awesome house.
The next day we slept in and had coffee and cake for breakfast. We didn't venture outdoors until about 3:00 p.m.
Walking hand in hand in the snow, I told the dude we have to holdtight to the sweet life. He made up a classic dude song on the spot.