elanamatic: i hate pollen
I have never had allergies like this before. It's brutal. I feel inferior. I resent my immune system for attacking the foreign pollutants with such force.
I am sniffly and miserable. My eyes are burny and the skin around my nose all raw.
I am supposed to go out tonight. The two Simon's in my life are hosting fun time events and all I want to do is stay indoors and hibernate. The rain doesn't help. Simon number one, is involved in the Framework Foundation fundraiser. What a great concept. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it last year and was determined to go tonight. It's the ideal event, not only a good cause, but it encourages you to support the local art community and get involved in charitable work by volunteering. I am totally bailing though.
Mostly because I had previously promised the other Simon (Pieman) that I would attend his goodbye event. He is off on a motorcylce trip across Canada. Jealous! The gang from my previous job will be there and it would be nice to see them all.
Too bad I feel like I have been run over.