elanamatic: le menu
So to fight all the toxic demons parading around in my body, exploding in allergy symptons and painful acne, I gave in and decided to do a cleanse. For the next two weeks or so, I will avoid: coffee, wheat, corn, alcohol, sugar and dairy.
I am allowing myself to have some green tea because caffeine withdrawal is a bitch and I am already cranky.
I began last night with a yummy healthy meal:
potato and leek soup - not my favourite kind of soup but the dude has been begging to make this for awhile, so he did. It's more of a texture food than a flavour food, but this could also be b/c I accidentally only bought two leeks instead of the required four.
baked whitefish with herbs - we bought an organic fish in kensington. It was so fresh and delicious, seasoned with lemon, basil, dill, and paprika.
roasted asparagus and peppers - also seasoned with lemon and salt and pepper. I love asparagus.. They are especially delicious roasted or on the BBQ.
Tonight I am making the Green Goddess Bowl from the Juice For Life cookbook.
So far the cleanse is going ok but I did eat a huge bag of pistachios while silently loathing irksome co-workers this afternoon.