elanamatic: Uniformity
I am puzzled by how to approach the light blue dress shirt. If it's white and classic I have no problems: I can untuck it with jeans, fold it into my gray pants and add a belt, wear it under a blazer, sweater, what have you. Add a cami and pop open a few buttons for a breezier look...
The blue dress shirt confounds me. Blue is a colour (bonus) and looks good one me (also good news) but no matter how I wear it to work I feel like a Dilbert. Pair it with black or navy slacks and you could be driving the bus. With beige you look like you leaped out of the pages of Microserfs or have spent too much time in Martha's kitchen weaving gift baskets.
I bought a pink dress shirt, but it's a size too big and unwieldy to tuck and too sloppy to wear out. I have several white and black options. A few stripeys too. Why can I not figure out how to wear the blue?