elanamatic: Him vs. Her
Him: "You are really into sorting out costumes this year aren't you?"
Her: "Well it's so much less stressful if you plan it in advance. The pressure to come up with something day of the party is what kills me and makes me hate dressing up. You know how I like to plan. I am all about having a plan."
Him: "Is this whole White Stripes idea part of your sick Jack Black fantasy?"
Her: "Umm that's Jack White."
Him: "Oh, right."
She giggles.
Her: "Umm.. no. It's just a good idea and an easily executable costume. Plus we are fans. Plus I wanted to do this last year at work but Meg isn't anyone without Jack."
Her: "Besides, I didn't hear you complaining too loudly when I dressed as Princess Leia in the gold bikini last year to accompany your Hans Solo outfit."
Him: "Hehe. That's true."
Him: "Would you really consider Princess Leia in the gold bikini? Cos that would be hot. I would pay you to wear that."
Her: "I'll take your money but I won't wear it in public. You better start saving up now."