the ring - major major suckage. if you're going to call it "the next sixth sense" etc., etc., than at least make it a tingy bit scary and suspenseful. crap crap crap.
chicago - fun and glam - wish i could dance.
blowdry - funny and cute but the person that cast josh harnett with a british accent should be shot on sight.
============= things i do that would appall my parents:
- pile dishes in the dishwasher and run it once a week instead of just doing the dishes by hand every night.
- eat cereal or ice cream for dinner
- not buy 12 of the items that are on sale at the grocery store
- drive with the windows down and the air conditioning on
- stay up late on a school night
- eat red meat less than twice a month
and so on and so forth. ============= i have to give a shout-out to my newly relocated rochester peep, lynn. it's a million degrees in the south this week - i sure am missing WNY now!