my seventh grade ENGLISH teacher always called the library the "lye-berry". my ENGLISH teacher, people.
yesterday i went to the lye-berry, which is located in the local high school. it doubles as the high school lye-berry and the public lye-berry. anyway, it's always such a hoot to go there especially during the day when the little high schoolers are all turning in their passes so they can meet their boyfriends or girlfriends for some quality instant messenger chat time. they have the nicest computers there. when i went yesterday it was around 5pm so a bunch of kids were waiting for rides outside and this girl and guy were talking, they were probably not older than 14 and the guy was saying "look, i think right now i'm really just looking for an emotional relationship rather than a sexual relationship." i don't think he was trying to ask the girl out, i think they were just talking matter-of-factly. i almost spit my gum out when i heard him say that - hello! you're 14! what do you know?