i am so hung up on ella's turning one next month that i completely disregarded the fact that she turned 11 months today. yippee. she had her first big sleepover at grammy and grandpa's this past weekend. craig and i went with my brothers to see jerry seinfeld (or as my dad calls him "jerry steinfeld") and ella stayed with my mom and dad. i worried all night that she was up and ready to party but it turns out that she did wonderfully and now i'm ready for her to sleep at grammy's every weekend. i don't think grammy is ready for that much fun.
ella as two bottom teeth and one giant upper snaggletooth. plus, the tooth next to it is coming through although it's not the one you'd think - if you're looking at her facey face she has the middle left tooth and then the tooth to the left of that one is coming in. she's a little off center. i've been trying to get a pic of the teethy teeth but she's too busy yammering on to pose.
she can point out the moon, point out birds and is walking all over the place, a bit on the shakey side but doesn't need too much help to do so. in one more month she'll be a whole year old and there's no stopping her at that point.
where has this year gone!?!?!