there's a very funny episode of "arrested development" (really, they're all funny) where gob isn't really bonding with the rest of the bluth company. we find out it's because he thinks he's better than everyone as well as better dressed and says stuff to his co-workers like "oh, like the guy wearing a $2500 suit is going to hold the elevator for the guy in the $200 suit! c'mon!" so craig and i say stuff like "oh, like the girl in the $25 old navy jeans is going to take the trash out! c'mon!" anyway, ella has started to say "c'mon!" and it's too funny and too cute.
we made it from CT where it's changing to a brisk fall and now we're back in NC where it's still 82 and humid. enough with the sweating already! we had a great time in CT and ella got lots of smooches from nana and papa. ella was great on the flight up and back - luckily there was no one next to us on the way up and they stuck us in the back where the closest person was three rows away so nobody heard the few outbursts from ella. on the way back ella did something i've never seen her do before: she fell asleep on my lap and slept for over an hour. it was incredible. i went to see my friend faith get hitched to scott and it was a lovely lovely wedding. i hadn't seen faith in 6 years and i hadn't seen my friend suzannah in 7 years but we all picked up right where we left off and it was like we hadn't seen each other for only a few days. ah. friends are nice.
this morning i really won ella over (as if the constant care and attention, books, toys, and m&m treats for 17 and a half months haven't done the trick) as i went to get a garbage bag out of the cabinet below the sink and there, perched on my green plastic watering can, was a green tree frog, perfectly coordinated colorwise. i jumped up and down saying "there's a frog in the house! there's a frog in the house!" and ella just about lost it she loved it so much. thankfully craig was home to escort kermit out of the house. as far as we can figure out, i left the watering can outside and the frog must've been in the bottom of it when i brough it in. a little while later craig looked outside and the frog was back in the bottom of the can. he's not the smartest green tree frog, is he? i also did a great drunk-stumbling impression of what the frog must've thought when i carried the watering can in the other day. laugh riot, i tell you. laugh riot. related to green tree frogs: pet smart sells those suckers for 12 bucks a piece and we have a bazillion around our house (usually outside, of course). if we didn't feel so guilty about the thought of them in cages, we'd open up "terwilliger's green tree frog company" very quickly.
i got a new camera recently. it's so awesome. i love it so much. it's the canon powershot sd 550. i will never in a million years need that many pixels but the price was right on so i went for it. my brother AND my dad ended up getting one when they saw how much fun mine is. if you get one, ignore the asses that write reviews about how they broke the LCD screen 3 minutes after getting it by jamming it into their back pockets and can't understand why it broke - buy yourself this nifty screen protector. it's perfect and really protects the camera. (sorry if you're one of the asses that broke your screen.)
craig and i watched the "lost" season premiere last night and we're just lost and giving up. i mean, what the eff? there's like 12 groups of people living on this island - one group lives in houses with ovens and they have book groups and muffins. everyone has guns all of a sudden. there's an old underwater aquarium. there's a freaky guy who eats eggs and drinks frenchpress coffee. there's mental and physical torture. it's freaky. i think we're looking at something a lot like m. night shamalamadingdong's "the village". that's what i think - an alternate society in the middle of nowhere and they're going to brainwash the crash survivors into joining their little cult so they can reproduce (although that's not what happened in "the village" but you get my point). kookoo. maybe someone will take pity on me in a few years and tell me how the whole series ends. and also tell me if any of the characters get bug bites or sunburn or have their highlights grow out so you can see their gray hair or otherwise look anything less than perfect. christ, those people look better than me and i shower everyday. damned teevee.