- When reading an article about “how to save money” or “frugal tips”, for the love of god, do not tell me to “start” packing my lunch. I haven’t bought lunch in 67 years. (If you’ve had lunch with me in the past 67 years and saw me pay for it, please disregard the “67 years” statement.) Saving money by packing a lunch only saves money for those people who are having $20 lunches everyday and that is nobody around here.
- How about Web sites just go ahead and register for their .vom address right along with their .com address because you KNOW I will accidentally type .vom at some point when accessing said site. You know I want www.amazon.com even though I typed www.amazon.vom. Come on, internet. Get your internet ass our of your internet head!
- When I kindly let you in pull in front of me in traffic, it’s your obligation to thank me with a wave AND to keep up your end of the driving bargain which is this: drive well, use your blinker, keep up the pace and generally be a model driver so the people behind me aren’t ticked that I let a crap driver like you in front of all of us.
- Business Web sites that have only one page and a phone number with “contact for more information” written next to it. But I AM contacting you for more information. I’m on your Web site. So, where is the information?
- Continuing pet peevs: litter bugs! It’s 2009, jerks! You can’t throw your fast food garbage out the window of your car! You just can’t! Also, people that leave furniture or mattresses in front of their house but don’t communicate that to their trash service and thus, the items get left outside for 12 years and get wet and moldy and disgusting. There are places you can take those items! If the item is in good condition, you might even consider donating it!
- Joggers. (In their defense, I’ve been jogging but it’s because my dog likes to jog. I hate jogging.)