The concept of "pathetic fallacy" was used by the romantic poets as a way of showing the connection between nature and the human spirit; often in poems, weather would mirror the emotions of the speaker of the poem. This is starting to happen to me. For the last month or so, weekend days have been perfectly clear and sunny, bright but not too hot. On these days, I have been active; hiking and cooking and having fun. The weekdays, however, have been oppressively hot and muggy, leaving me a depressed heap on the sofa after work.
This all culminated lately. Two days ago, it was still hot. A forest fire raged close enough to town so that the smoke billowed in, leaving my little town (and alas, my emotional state) smelling of charred embers. Yesterday this all broke. A tempestuous rainstorm swept through in the afternoon. Thunder pealed, lightning crackled all around. Rain came down in gusts. The tree in front of my house is broken. However, just after the storm, in the late afternoon light, everything was new. The blacktops steamed with release. The tall long-leaf pines in my front yard dripped leftover rain from branch to branch as the sun poured through glistening tinsel silver. A giant rainbow appeared. This was necessary.
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