Nutshell Kingdom: the comeback kid
I've been missing for a long time because I have been having a rough go of it in Lexington. The best thing that happened to me in a whole month was winning a coin toss on Monday. The next best was getting rejected from the only law firm that even wanted to interview me. My girlfriend dumped me and we tried to remain friends. Now, I'm pretty sure I've been dumped as friend too. I think I was too depressing. It seems like I was always telling her how much she sucked (her words, not mine).
So... there's some good to come out of this right. Like finally having the motivation to get help for all those sinister little mental tics. Discovering how many nights I can sleep on the couch with the TV on because I don't want to climb the stairs. Travelling more because I can't stand to be here, because there's really only one bar and there's a good bet she'll be there.
I can't even drink because it brings out the worst in me mixed with all the sleeping pills I have to take to stay calm.
Silver lining? Anybody?