Nutshell Kingdom: Office Bulletin Board
1. Coffee Pot
2. Condolences
3. Jane's Menopause
4. Sick Notice
5. Rick's Idiocy
1. Everyone who takes the time to make the coffee would be happy if all the people who did not make the coffee would stop drinking all the coffee. If you must drink all the coffee, please make another pot.--3rd Floor Morning Shift
2. Pete Travers in Publicity lost his home, wife and children last night due to an unexpected aggravation of conscience, followed by a brief confession of what happened at last year's convention in Dallas. He will not be in today, but we are passing around a card for everyone to sign just to let Pete know he's in our thoughts.--Blaine in Management
3. It has come to my attention that Jane in Accounting has started her "change." Let's all be especially understanding of her unprofessional mood swings.--anon.
4. I am still achy and sniffly and hurting from my cold. Now is a good time to avoid me.--Blaine in Management
5. It has come to my attention that Rick in Accounting is a moron and if he wasn't such an incompetent ass, I would not have to yell at him so much.--Jane in Accounting