Nutshell Kingdom: what'd I do with my time?
So, I did the math on my habit. A pack a day is 20 cigarettes at about 5 minutes a day (for easy math). That's two hours a day smoking. That's one-twelvth of every day. That's one whole month a year doing, basically, nothing but smoking. Wow!
Now, my real question is: if I were to quit, what would I do with all that spare time? I mean, Jesus, two hours is a lot to fill. That could get really depressing. I know that I could get all sorts of productive things accomplished, but let's keep it real please. Just looking for answers, advice, suggestions.
One month a year of dead time. This would have to be worth it.
Please no lectures on life-extension. That's kind of counter-intuitive, considering my conundrum.