I had cake for dinner, which I couldn't keep down, mixed with a full day's worth of pollen, refined sugar and rainwater. I feel like a hummingbird with a nicotine addiction.
I praise the cheap drycleaner and tried my best not to Friendster the day away. Considered a Fiendster website idea... where one could post the faces and flaws of those who have pissed you off. How many connections would I have?
Nightmares about sudden onset empysema wake me around four. Sometimes I am coughing for decorative reasons. Late at night, I could catch rabbits by hand in the backyard. They feel spring too instinctively and it makes them slow.
If I could get my hands on some codeine, this time would pass better. I will vibrate thru the rest of this and slink off to the shower, feeling every drop as they stick to my body and puddle around the wash cloth which I have used to cover the drain. I fall back asleep to the sound of wet rabbits diving off the sink; their enormous back feet slap like hotel towels in the corner nearest the door.