Finally a crisis custom-made for George Bush! A national emergency which calls for the very skills our President has been honing for about a quarter of his time in ofice. I'm talking, of course, about brush clearing.
George spens a lot of time clearing brush around the ranch in Crawford. It relaxes him, he claims, no doubt truthfully. At this point, we can finally understand why.
Since the Pres has claimed that he can do his job sans interruption from Texas, and therefore anywhere really, he should set up a temporary base in Mississippi (where they actually voted for him). He could actually spend his days being useful, doing something he's good at. Give the man a chainsaw and watch him go! Think of the photo ops. Think of the volunteer mobilization. Think of the relaxation.
Every man deserves a chance to do what he loves for a living. A true vocation, no less. Let's see it done. There are roads to be cleared, and the smell of oil in the water should make him feel right at home. The sooner the better.