I just finished reading The Lesser Blessed, by Richard Van Camp. And wow, what a great story. If good stories are supposed to introduce you to unfamiliar worlds, this one succeeded in spades (where does that expression come from, anyway?). I got this beautiful picture of teenage life in The Northwest Territories that was sad but not bleak, raunchy and sexy, heartbreaking and hopeful, educational but not pedantic.
In the vein of lauding peoples' accomplishments, Carma from CBC radio 3 is doing a whole whack of cool projects. I just spent 20 minutes perusing "naked," her flash project on nudity. Very cool. (does not work on netscrap)
in the vein of veins, they are giving blood in the Atrium this morning. I cannot even...oh, geez...I am seeing spots just thinking of giving blood. ugh. I wish I could get over this. I went to buy my afternoon sesame snaps and had to walk through the folks on stretchers. I nearly passed out!
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