I had a teacher once who told me that on the first on May, young maidens in Britain used wash their faces with dew in order to become pretty. As a gawky, unkempt child with a big overbite, pasty skin, and dark circles under my eyes, I thought it was worth a crack. May 1, on my way to school, I put my schoolbag down, bent over, rubbed my hands with dew, and brushed them over my face. Orthodontry, coverup, a hairbrush, and a diet that includes green veggies may have helped me get out of the gawky phase. But I like to think the dew bath helped, too.
This morning I stopped my bike in the park beside the AGO. Leaned down amid all the Chinese grandparents doing Tai Chi, and rubbed dew (and god knows what else) over my face. And I know this sounds dumb and superstitious, but I am going through a hard time, k? And I don't want to get a bitter, sad face.
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