Pony: #
Sometimes I am a big person and sometimes I am not. I would like to be more the former, but sometimes I get filled with inexplicable, childish rage or annoyance and I lash out. You'd think I'd have learned by now that it is always wiser to bite my tongue or "save to draft".
One example is with my mother. I mean, I know that as a daughter it is biologically predetermined that you will buck against your mother, but sometimes I don't understand why I get impatient or grumpy with her. II wish I could sit back and smile indulgently as it takes her ten minutes to order food, and not bristle when her attention span is directly determined by how many interesting-looking people are walking through the door.
The other example is, well, sometimes I send angry emails. Gentle reader, you should always, always save to draft, no matter how true the sentiment.
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