Pony: Sunday night of buy nothing
I bought a strip of bus tickets and finished my shopping for Spend Nothing Work Week
Ok, so for those interested in how we decided to spend our $60.
Now I love to see what people buy at the store. It is more revealing than watching them do their laundry. That said, I will put down what was bought this weekend. And leave my laundry out of this.
Among the fooditems:
Vanilla soy milk
Fresh lo mein
2 red peppers
2 sweet potatoes
green onions
1 can chickpeas
veggie burgers
a bunch of carrots
2 zucchinis
russet potatoes
peanut butter
A bunch of bananas
can of tomatoes
brussel sprouts
2 extravagances: mango chutney and an avocado.
Extravagances that did not fit: Goat cheese, lawash bread.
We spent $25 in Kensington market, and through careful calculations at dominion, came to just over $35 (Kiff insisted on the avocado).
Total=Really close to $60
We had a dinner party last night and made 2 roasted organic chickens. We have boiled the bones for stock and made chicken salad(with apple, nuts, yogurt, mustard and green onion). The excellent broth is cooling (to be a soup later this week). Tomorrow for lunch: chicken salad and roasted veg.
Other ideas for this week:
A traditional chicken noodle soup
vegetable stir fry with tofu and lomein
veggie burgers and brussel sprouts
pasta with tomato sauce
tortillas with curried chick peas and sweet potatoes with mango chutney
breakfast: toast with pb and banana, oatmeal with apple and vanilla soy