Did anyone notice Anna Maria Tremonte's indy rock story on the CBC this morning? She spoke of Death from above 1979, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, and Death Cab for Cutie with the fluency she usually reserves for foreign policy.
At this point i shoud be wriiting about the federal election (coming up on January 23). But Pony is an international site, and I fear I would alienate my readers with witty and apropos commentary on Jack Layton, Gilles Duceppe, Paul Martin, and Steven Harper. Actually, I feel so much of the legendary "voter apathy" I can't even dredge up a full paragraph. Perhaps later.
We have not seen the sun for weeks. I feel like I am living in frickin vancouver. The next 12 weeks of winter are the hardest as we get cowed by cold, defy the cold, then go a bit insane. good times.