I have a pet peeve. About pet owners. Who talk to their dogs in weird, passive-agressive tones.
"Stay doooown, pleeeez...." (clearly this is a benefit for passers-by. Why else not just say "STAY" to your canine).
"Fluffy! How about: No." (Spoken like a stern parent as the cat looks longingly at a plate of cheese)
"Chuck, please stop pulling the leash, you are hurting my wrist!" (At most, your dog will understand "Heel". Do you think he is going to undertand your longsuffering guilt-inducing plea for calm?)
And the worst is people offering complicated deals to their furry friends:
"Corky, if you do your business in a hurry, we can get you a treat!" Dude, it's a dog. It does not understand conditional phrases.