Pony: cats
I had a friend Krista in Montreal who I had intially met in Jerusalem and then ran into one summer in Montreal. To digress further, she now lives on a commune in Virginia.
'Krista lives large' was her roomate Karla's way of saying she thought her irresponsible. This applied in particular to the adoption of a cat who she named "Inbal" (hebrew for the tongue of a bell because Inbal mewed like a bell chiming). She dragged her feet about fixing her until one day Karla said: 'I think Inbal is pregnant'. Sure enough, she started behaving like and expectant mother, creating little nests for herself and laying low. Then one morning there was a kitten. Hours passed and still, there was one kitten. Inbal, who was ignorant of the term 'litter' was glowing with protective pride. Then a day later, another kitten came out. Johnny come Lately who we took int our hearts, as none of us were very punctual people, and we took turns feeding him with an eyedropper (he was too weak to feed from Inbal). He broke Karla's heart when he sighed his last breath in her hand.