Pony: My email inbox (a sampling of 20 subjects)
For some reason this makes me shake my head. FWIW, I also watch reality TV, drink beer, eat potato chips in my undershirt, and I don't have a baby.
1.Welcome (insert name here)!! - attached - three pictures of a miniature human in a blue blanket. Remarkable resemblance to Wallace Shawn.
2. Censure Bush
3. Art Show
4. Last show at __ gallery
5. Doctor
6. Welcome (insert name here) - attached - three pictures of a miniature human in a blue blanket and descriptions of a prohibitively painful labour. Remarkable resemblance to Wallace Shawn.
7. Doctor
8. Popbitch
9. Short Fillm Festival
10. Magazine Launch
11. RE: Baby Shower Food?
12. Get Rid of Stephen Harper
13. Welcome (insert name here)!! - attached - three pictures of a miniature human in a blue blanket and descriptions of a prohibitively long labour. Remarkable resemblance to Wallace Shawn.
14. Doctor
15. V1agara
16. BSG!
17. Dinner next week
16. Doctor
17. Baby Shower Date and Time!
18. The Ultimate Online Pharmaceut1c4ls
19. Art show reminder
20. Vacation Pics!