There is a certain kind of cozy complacency that sets in the first few cold days after an Indian summer. You are no longer running around, trying like mad to squeeze every drop of living out of temperate days and guiltily falling short. It's ok now. Go to the gym rather than a bikeride. Cozy up with a blanket and a book and a cup of brown liquor sipped slowly. Sit in the middle of a frozen lake as it barks like a lonely sea lion or a streetcar rounding the corner at 2am.
Wake up in the middle of the night and write something stark and true as the frost tightens like a drum on your window.
WInter, I love you.
But I was not expecting you this early. In fact we are all a bit shocked, as if the shortened season is reflecting the proverbial tighter times. Sorry, people. We are cutting back on Fall this year. Please rake your leaves and put them in bags marked yard waste and place them at the curb.
Do you have any idea how long it takes to wrestle a cranky toddler into a snowsuit?
Snow! This morning! Very, very cold outside.