Old Man River *Ol' man river, that ol' man river* Good golly, I will crack your skull if you play that song around me. There are few things I hate more than that damn song. Paul Robeson singing it.
Holy crub I hate that song. And you know whose damn fault this is? Stupid NPR. It seems like once a year they have to do some sort of classic American music revue which means here comes Paul "old man river" Robeson singing like a freaky, deep voiced robot.
I can hear it now...
"Ol' man river, that ol' man river..." Holy dung, I am now literally punching myself for even typing that again. Now the song is in my head and the worst thing is I don't know the words, so it's like:
"Ol' man river, that ol' man river... He's an, um, old man, and um river"
AUGHH! I typed it again!
I am poking myself with a fork. Seriously. The pain will eventually wipe out this damn song now going through my head. Holy shit! Stupid old man river musical! I hate you!
Did I mention what we found when we returned from England?
Welcome home Ah, Robot Kitty must have had a great time while we were away. We had a very nice fellow checking in on her so she was well watered and fed. But, the highlight was finding a dead mouse in her water dish when we walked in the door.
Why the water dish? I imagine she was trying to make mouse soup, and had the recipe, but because she's a cat with a peanut brain, she doesn't realize that she needs to heat the water.
Nonetheless, we cheered her name and scratched her head and gave her wet food for her doing her job - and dumped the dead waterlogged rodent in to the toilet. Nice work there cat!