My own poetry month
I wrote Eric y Reba a poem with the gift of baby tools we gave them for their baby shower.
Roses are brown
Violets are green
When you have a baby
In the diaper, these are the colors seen.

Drunk at school
"no, i will not stop drinking in school. im not a dumbass who is going to get caught."

Things I have seen over
the past three days

Pigeons mounting and having sex (??!) with a dead pigeon
That was disturbing. I think. Granted, I am not a pigeon, so who the hell knows.. maybe that's what you do when a loved one dies.
In hindsight...

Dear Pigeons,
Your "having sex with dead pigeons" trait is what is keeping you out of public office - where you could be helping to keep the culture of life alive in this country.

Taxi cab driver peeing
I was walking to lunch (where, by the way, I had a really, surprisingly good chicken kabob sandwhich) and saw a cab pulled over. The door was open and the driver was standing there peeing on the street.
He had a cane.
At first I felt angered that he was doing that.
Then I realized he was 100 years old and had a cane and I shut my stupid word-hole.

Grace Kelly is a super fox
Mrs. Robot is chiding me for calling Grace Kelly a stone cold fox, but, yo - it's true.
We watched To Catch a Thief the other night, which is a fine Alfred Hitchcock movie with Cary Grant and Grace Kelly. Did I mention that Grace Kelly is a super fox? Peep the DVD Cover.

Omakase at Taro Sushi
We wandered over to fifth avenue in Park Slope for dinner this weekend and finally checked out Taro Sushi - it's a block over from the tasty City Sub shop.
It's by no means fancy or elegant, but lo-fi and small with handwritten signs on the wall. The staff was super friendly, but entertainingly clumsy with orders and normal restaurant stuff. They meant well, which counts for something in my book (no, the other book).

We sat at the bar and told the chef that we'd do the ol' Omakase thing - which is basically telling him that we trust him to feed us whatever he thinks is good that night.

Oh, the tasty delights he served us - he even gave us props for our enthusiasm for some of the more unusual items.
(I guess we are just amateur east coasters)
We left with a full belly.

Return of stupid Jedi
Eric loaned us his copy of the DVD of the Star Wars. We, for some reason that I forget now, watched it the other night. Is it just this post-prequel world we live in, or was that a pretty shit movie?
Harrison Ford seemed a little off.
Alec Guiness looked bored with his performance.
Those pig guards at Jaba's house... Who signed off on them?
Oh, and don't get me started on that damn musical scene they ADDED.
Then there's teen Anakin standing there as a friggin jedi-ghost at the end. How dumb.
I can't believe I just mentioned friggin' "force ghosts" or whatever they are called. Shoot me now.

This guy says "Awesome" about as often as I do

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i have your deductions right here ironically, i am rejecting your rejection - volume ii

robot journal
Robot Journal

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Three Technological Advances I'd love to share with my teenage self
Seeing all these e scooters got me thinking
Mexico City
The time Chris and Stu drove to Milwaukee
What would be in a happyrobot cocktail?
What the world needs now is a think piece about the pandemic

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