Film and Television Rights: In the Next Office the Door is Open

and visiting executives have been enjoying a lengthy conversation about the types of sausage they prefer. Blood Sausage, Italian Sausage, Vienna Sausage. Sausage Sausage.

Now they are talking about varieties of snow.

Someone introduced me this morning to one of these people, but not quite properly. My co-worker did not say "John, this is So and So from the coast, here for the big conference, they head up the Bilderspunk division out on Gorgonzola County. So and So from the coast, I'd like you to meet John Ball,"

but rather,

"and this is John, our Senior ________." (I didn't realize I was our Senior anything.) And So and So exclaimed, "Oh, ________." As if So and So knew what ________ was, or what that meant I actually do. Yet I've been amused all day So and So thinks I know who in hell So and So is or what So and So does.

Now they are still talking about snow.

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