Cootie Girl: update
Good thing is that I have not punched, kicked or stabbed anyone in the last week and 1/2. Bad thing is that I am way overworked and completely under laid *cough* I mean underpaid.
I shipped over 400 pages last week - I have about another 200 this week. I'm still behind with my bills and don't even ask about the filing situation in my office - I'm just happy that I have a neat stack hidden in the cabinet in the back. I mean it's not like anyone is looking for any of the files so why bother right - it's one less thing to worry about. Oh and I talked to my boss and I think I got out of working the night shift on the 2 busiest days of our work month. Yay for me!
So I can't wait for this RNC crap to be over with already - how did you Bostonians handle it? Did you all take off work? I work about 5 blocks from the garden and all the streets are coned off and there are a million of these "pseudo" cops (you know the academy students that don't have guns yet) that look like they are 18 years old at best. Does it make me feel safe - HELL NO. But I will be taking the bus to work all week just because I don't want to be caught in the underground if anything extreme happens.
Last week my job gave every employee an "emergency kit". Our HR woman is a little bit like a kindergarten teacher in that for the holidays/special occasions she brings candies and/or gift-bags for everyone. Last year for Christmas we all got these little tote bags with trees on them and out names in glitter glue. The woman uses GLITER GLUE! Anyway the other day we get these large cloth/paper bags with our names written in big bubbly letters on it. Inside is our safety kit which includes: bottled water, a carpenters mask (not a gas mask or anything that can actually seal you mouth and nose from toxins), a little Ziploc baggie (containing a pair of plastic gloves, 3 band aids, one small gauze pad, one alcohol swab and one little packet of antiseptic ointment) and a small maglight flashlight with batteries. I feel so safe now, almost as safe as all those trainee cops without guns feel protecting our city from terrorist.
So what was I saying - yes, work still sucks. I tried to fix up my resume and get that out there and realized that was a piece of crap. Which made me wonder how I got this job in the first place and then I remembered I use to work with my boss and my boss's boss and several other people in or around the company I work for. Getting a new job that I actually like is going to be way harder than I thought. So I ask you all now - does anyone want to hire a fun, hardworking, (insert 5 of your best adjectives here) etc. person to do something different, interesting, fun, (insert 7 better adjectives here) etc. for lots of pay? Anyone?
On a happier note the WORLD CUP OF HOCKEY started today. The bad thing is that most of the games are in the afternoon so sadly I will miss them. But the 3 big games are on Tuesday (USA vs. Canada), Thursday (USA vs. Russia) and Saturday (Russia vs. Canada) nights. The Saturday's game is the only one not listed for TV in the states which totally sucks (reason #53 to move to Canada). This may be the last chance I get to see Hockey for this season as the labor talks are getting nowhere. This happiness will only last the 2 weeks after September 15th I will be a very sad Cootie Girl. I am almost mad enough to protest the garden with signs that say "the puck needs to drop here not the RNC" but people might mistake me for a political protester and not a National Hockey League's Collective Bargaining Agreement protester. I just want Hockey next month is that too much to ask for!