forget old ladies - a mother (or a parent) behind the wheel is a truly dangerous thing. i swear i can't remember the last time my eyes were actually on the road for more than 8 seconds - currently i employ all my driver's instincts to navigate my way around because i'm too busy catering to the thing in the backseat. usually i'm passing snacks back to her. or a drink of water. or i'm trying to keep her awake so she doesn't take a 4 minute power-nap and get recharged enough that she isn't tired for an afternoon nap. don't ask me how a 16 month old can take a 4 minute nap and not need her usual 2 hour nap. it's voodoo, i tell you. tactics i use to keep her awake include giving her my cellphone to play with (she inevitably turns it on, calls our house and leaves a message), giving her my wallet to play with (then when she finally does go down for her nap, i have to trapse back outside to search around the seat for all my wallet belongings) or reaching back and tickling her feet for upwards of 10 minutes. then when we get home i make an appointment at the chiropractor.
if you see a car swerving all over the road, don't fret - it's just me and i'm drunk on motherhood.