Last night i came home and Chris had bought Jamiesons. I love to sip a glass of whiskey on a cold night.
Honkey Cracker Chris in Boston had left me a voicemail message with his Dave Matthews Band imitation, and ladies and gentlemen, it was a feat of magnificence.
I decided to call Boston and hear it again. Yay telphone technology! I forget that I can call the robots on the phone (you guys never crank call me anymore). I was so stoked to hear his voice, I decided to return the favour with my Kate Bush imitation, one I do seldom, as it is very loud. (I can also imitate Doris Day and Joni Mitchell. )
At this point I feel like I should mention my friend Mike. Hello Mike.
Did I mention that Chris and I found a place to live? It near College and Ossington, it is a1st floor of a house, beautifully and intricately restored from the 1930's. It has an urban back yard, a place to compost, room for the king-sized bed, a gas fireplace with porcelain tiles and an old-world feel. Also, the landlord went on her feeling, rather than asking us our earning specifics.