Pony: Trying on a tiara
Last night at Richard's birthday party (pizza, the Leafs on his fancy pants tv, beer and good, small crowd), Elanamatic's friend A. brought her 10-week old who was the best-behaved infant I have ever met. She slept through the shouts at the hockey game, only to wake up, feed, and calmly sit with all of us as we socialized and passed her from lap to lap.
There is something about holding an adorable, well-behaved baby that is kind of like trying on a tiara. Parenthood/royalty is invariably more complicated, but it is fun to play with the trappings.
Speaking of transformation, Rozaneh. the vintage shop at College and Roxton, is closing down at the end of December due to an eviction. In case you don't know the place, it is one of those rare vintage clothing stores that never feels picked over. You can find some real gems if you have the will to sift through the piles. M., the owner, is having a big sale and donating 10% of her proceeds to Sistering, a homeless, underhoused and low-income women's outreach centre that is in big need of funding.